Georgios Arabatzis
Professor of Βyzantine Philosophy
Contact Information
Τel. (office): 210 7277505
Office: 501 (5th floor), School of Philosophy main building
Address: School of Philosophy, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University Campus, 15703 Zografou, Attiki, Greece
Ph.D. (Doctorat de philosophie), École de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1995.
D.E.Α. de Philosophie, Université Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, 1991.
- Maîtrise, Université Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1990 et Diplôme, École de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1990.
- 1998-2012: Researcher at the Research Centre on Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens
- 1999-2003: Teaching Associate at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Research Interests
- Byzantine Philosophy
- Commentators of Aristotle (Michael of Ephesus)
- Neoplatonism, Hellenistic Philosophy, Stoicism
- Greek Philosophy
- Philosophical Iconology
- Aesthetics
Published Books
- Éthique du bonheur et orthodoxie à Byzance (IVe-XIIe s.), avec une préface d’André Guillou, Paris, Éd. P. Belon/Diffusion De Boccard, 1998, 203 σσ. ― coll. “Textes. Documents. Études” No. 4.
- Paideia and Episteme in Michael of Ephesus. In Part. Anim. I, 1,3 - 2,10, Athens, Academy of Athens, 2006 (in Greek).
- Byzantine Philosophy and Iconology, Athens, Kardamitsa, 2012 (in Greek).
- From Stoa to Byzantium. Bios and System in the Stoic Continuity, Athens, Kardamitsa, 2016 (in Greek).
- On the Epistemic Field of Byzantine Philosophy, Athens, Papazissi, 2017 (in Greek).
- Anti-humanisme et discours institutionnel à Byzance. Le cas Kekaumenos, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, "Hellenica", 2021.
Εdited Books (selected)
- Studies on Supernaturalism, Berlin, Logos Verlag, 2009.
- L’actualité de la pensée byzantine, Byzantinische Forschungen, XXXI, 2013 (Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam).
- Marges de la philosophie byzantine, Athénes, Kardamitsas, 2013.
- The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: from the Εcumene to the Nation-State, G. Steiris, S. Mitralexis, G. Arabatzis (eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2016.
- The Courtier-Philosopher, Athens, University of Athens, 2017.
- Thinking in Action, eds. G. Arabatzis, E. D. Protopapadakis, Athens, The NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Lab, The Hellenic-Serbian Philosophical Dialogue Series 1, 2018.
- Modernity and Contemporaneity, E. D. Protopapadakis, G. Arabatzis (eds.), Athens, The NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Lab, The Hellenic-Serbian Philosophical Dialogue Series 3, 2022.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters (selected)
- Blâme du philosophe, éloge de la vraie philosophie et figures rhétoriques. Le récit d’Anne Comnène sur Jean Italos revisité, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 95/II, 2002, 403-415.
- «Eγκαλυψάμενος». La piété socratique dans le Phèdre de Platon, Kernos, 16, 2003, 119-123.
- Hegel and Byzantium (With a Notice on Alexandre Kojève and Scepticism), Philosophical Inquiry, vol. XXV, Nos 1-2, Winter-Spring 2003, 31-39.
- Socrates and Populism. An Inquiry into the Origins of Gregory Vlastos’s Career, Philosophia, 34, 2004, 97-124.
- Le système de Pléthon et la nécessité, Tύχη-Aνάγκη. Hasard et nécessité dans la philosophie grecque, Athens, Academy of Athens, 2005, 215-236.
- «Γυμνή Kεφαλή». Jean Damascène et le Phèdre de Platon, La transcendance dans la philosophie grecque tardive et dans la pensée chrétienne, Paris, Vrin, 2006, σσ. 260-271.
- Phantasia et intellect chez Syméon Seth. Sur les sources du Conspectus Rerum Naturalium, Intellect and Imagination in Medieval Philosophy, Actes du XIe Congrès International de Philosophie Médiévale de la Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (S.I.E.P.M.), Porto, du 26 au 31 août 2002 (Rencontres de philosophie médiévale, 11), Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2006, 483-493.
- Limites du langage, limites du monde dans le Contra Eunomium II de Grégoire de Nysse, Gregory of Nyssa: Contra Eunomium II. An English Version with Supporting Studies, Proceedings of the 10th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Olomouc, 15th-18th September 2004), Eds. L. Karfikova, Scott Douglas, Johannes Zachhuber, Leiden, Brill, Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements 82, 2007, 377-386.
- Michael of Ephesus on the Empirical Man, the Scientist and the Educated Man (in Ethica Nicomachea X and in de Partibus Animalium I), Medieval Greek Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics, ed. Charles Barber, David Jenkins, Leiden-Boston, Brill, Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 2009, 163-184.
- Voulgaris, Pascal et la Logique de Port-Royal, Port-Royal et la tradition chrétienne d’orient, Paris, Chroniques de Port-Royal, 2009, 9-21.
- L’iconicité byzantine à l’épreuve de Merleau-Ponty, Reflexão, 34/95, 2009, “Dossier Merleau-Ponty”, 53-65.
- Power, Motion and Time in Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Fatum, Gregory of Nyssa: The Minor Treatises on Trinitarian Theology and Appolinarism. Proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Tübingen, 17-20 September 2008), eds. V.H. Drecoll, M. Berghaus, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2011, 399-409.
- Sailing Away from Byzantium: Renaissance Crusade Literature and the Peace Plans, War and Peace. Critical Issues in European Societies and Literature 800-1800, eds. Albrecht Classen and Nadia Margolis, Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2011, 463-490.
- Animal Rights in Byzantine Thought, Animal Ethics. Past and Present Perspectives, ed. E. D. Protopapadakis, Berlin, Logos, 2012, 103-111.
- Michael of Ephesus and the Philosophy of Living Things (In De Partibus animalium 22.25-23.9), The Many Faces of Byzantine Philosophy, eds. B. Bydén, K. Ierodiakonou, The Norwegian Institute at Athens/Papers and Monographs Series 4o, Vol. 1, 2012, 51-78.
- Basile N. Tatakis et la legitimité de la philosophie byzantine, Νέα Ρώμη. Rivista di ricerche bizantinistiche, 8, 2011 (2012), 305-314.
- Nicephoros Blemmydes’ Imperial Statue: Aristotelian Politics as Kingship Morality, Mediaevistik, 27, 2014, 99-118.
- Le Byzance de Hegel et la question du néoplatonisme hégélien, Peitho, 1 (5), 2014, 337-350.
- Plethon’s Philosophy of the Concept, Georgios Gemistos Plethon. The Byzantine and Latin Renaissance, eds. J. Matula & R. Blum, Olomouc, Univerzita Palackeho v Olomouci, 2014, 73-111.
- Byzantine Thinking and Iconicity: Post-structural Optics, The Ways of Byzantine Philosophy, ed. Mikonja Knezevic, Alhambra Ca., Sebastian Press, 2015, 429-448.
- Daniel Furlanus on Michael of Ephesus and the Pleasure of Biological Knowledge, Quaestio, 15, The Pleasure of Knowledge, ed. Pasquale Porro and Loris Sturlese, Brepols, 2015, 211-219.
- Politique oblique et ésotérisme chez Michel Psellos, Peitho/Examina Antiqua, 1 (7) 2016, 249-264.
- Byzantinisme et rationalié : Julien Benda et Constantin Tsatsos, Peitho. Examina Antiqua, 1/8, 2017, 423-445.
- Académisme et philosophie byzantine, Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, Volume 6, Charlottesville, Virginia, Philosophy Documentation Center, 2018, 49-88.
- Michael of Ephesus, Aristotelian Science and Byzantine Episteme, Aristotle in Byzantium, ed. Mikonja Knežević, Los Angeles, CA: Sebastian Press 2020, 249-275.
- La déesse Alètheia de Léonce Pilate à Leonardos Dellaportas, Femmes illustres de l'Antiquité grecque au miroir des Modernes, éd. Bernard Pouderon, Paris, Beauchesne, 2020, 245-256.
- Le spectre de Byzance chez Markos Renieris : orientalisme et sciences humaines, Études Balkaniques, 2021, 1/25, 123-145.
- Theodore the Studite and Dionysius, The Oxford Handbook of Dionysius Areopagita, M. Edwards-G. Steiris-D. Pallis eds., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 256-268.
- Michael of Ephesus and Robert Grosseteste: Neoplatonic Tradition and Epistemological Rupture, Later Platonists and their Heirs among Christians, Jews, and Muslims, Eva Anagnostou, Ken Parry eds., Leiden, Brill, 2023, 38–458.
Other Positions and Distinctions
- Director of the Postgraduate Program "Philosophy"
- Director of the Institutional Discourse Research Laboratory
- Editor-in-chief of the Review Icon. Journal on Byzantine Philosophy
- Member of the editorial board of the review Philosophia of the Research Centre on Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens (1998-2012).
- Fellow Researcher at the following Universities: Princeton (USA), Texas at Austin (USA), Jassy (Roumania), Olomouc και Prague (Czach Republic), and others
- Member of the Société Internationale de l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (SIEPM).
- Peer Reviewer for Dumbarton Oaks Papers and Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies.